Monday, February 19, 2007

Reality Checks!

Ada waktu dimana aku ngerasa apa yang aku lakukan sudah benar dan terbaik....sampe suatu waktu, saat ngobrol sama beberapa teman semalam, menyadarkan aku kalo we have to look from other people perspective too...

Something that I sometimes forget doing it, something that I don't see until a girlfriend of mine ngobrolin. Walaupun not verbally mention it, but inti sarinya bisa diambil...hikmahnya kali yaa..

No matter how good your thoughts are, you always have to see from other's perspective..

So, girl friends (you know who you are), thanks for "reality checks" nya (I know, you might not realize what or how you say them), but at the end aku cuma berpikir...emang yaa, Allah works in misterious way, ngingetin kita melalui tangan orang lain...hmmm

Thank you Allah, ajari aku untuk selalu ingat denganMu, dan beri aku petunjukMu ke jalan yang lurus.

1 comment:

IezMe said...

go witje go... go go gooo.. go for the gold.. LHO?!?